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Fostering Lifelong Autonomy and Resources in Europe Behaviour and Successful Ageing
The FLARE-BSA Project is funded by the Funding Scheme "Future Leaders of Ageing Research in Europe (FLARE)" by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) see also results of the funding call "Health in Old Age"
Prinicipal Investigator: Dr. Jochen P. Ziegelmann |
Home Institutions (Germany) | Receiving Institutions (The Netherlands, Switzerland) |
Project at the home institutions: | Projects at the receiving institutions: |
(Dr. Jochen P. Ziegelmann & Dipl.-Psych. Paul Gellert)
Fostering Lifelong Autonomy and Resources in Europe Behaviour and Successful Ageing FLARE-BSA
FLARE-BSA aims to give a solution for the problems of the ageing society by advancing theory development and intervention design in self-regulation and successful ageing.
This multidisciplinary project has the following objectives: (1) In an age-sensitive approach, the process of adoption and maintenance of health behaviours will be studied across the whole adult age range. (2) Theoretical concepts from health psychology (self-regulation), lifespan psychology (Selection, Optimization and Compensation strategy-use; time perspective) and applied gerontology (cognitive resources) will be combined for an innovative age-sensitive intervention design to lay the foundations for successful ageing in all age groups. (3) The interplay between health behaviours and objective (e.g. functional status, biological frailty markers) as well as subjective indicators (e.g., subjective health) of successful ageing will be studied longitudinally using a multidisciplinary approach. These objectives will be tackled by designing two age-sensitive longitudinal health behaviour change intervention projects as well as through the use of multidisciplinary data from extensive longitudinal ageing studies.
The project aims to yield the following results: (1) A deeper understanding of the health behaviour change process across the life-span. (2) Novel approaches to support health behaviour change in all age groups which also uses the early life phases for a strong foundation for subsequent successful development and optimal health in old age. (3) An extension of our knowledge about the interplay between health behaviours and successful ageing which will yield further insights how we can make sure not only to add years to life but to add life to years. (4) A further outcome will be an innovative model of risk and protective factors for optimal health in old age, which then can be used to guide existing health care systems as well as individuals where to prioritize investments to ensure optimal ageing. |
Weblinks: |
last update: 27.01.2010 |
jochen.ziegelmann web: www.ziegelmann.org |